Sunday, April 17, 2022

 “Stewardship of Health”

Stewardship of our Health

First Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds believers in Christ that He completely owns us.  The Scripture acknowledges, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s.” 

As we continue to examine the significance of stewardship, we zero in on an area that is often overlooked or taken for granted:  health.  While we are responsible for maintaining our physical health, it is important to understand that we should also focus on our spiritual, mental, and emotional health as well.  Many times we are unable to function as we should because we have not maintained our physical bodies in proper health.  It is important to ensure that we receive adequate rest so that we are able to perform physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Our physical body is the part of us that we may be the most consciously aware of because it houses our five senses.  One important component for maintaining our physical health is rest.  When we do not make a point to rest our bodies, we become susceptible to different types of sicknesses.  While adults understand that rest is vital for the healthy growth of children, we also have to understand that rest is just as essential for adults. 

Along with rest, proper exercise and diet are necessary for experiencing a good quality of life.  The older we get, the more our bodies wear down.  Walking is an extremely good exercise to maintain cardiovascular health. 

Preaching is one responsibility that requires an individual’s heart to be healthy.  When a pastor is projecting their voice or talking for long periods of time, they are exerting energy and their heart is getting a workout.  If they are not mindful to exercise regularly, their hearts will have to work even harder.  Preaching and teaching are speaking gifts that require us to maintain good physical health.  Along with exercise, it is equally important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.  The foods we eat can have an effect on our mood, our ability to rest, and our health since it can make us susceptible to multiple diseases. 

In summary, we understand that we are stewards and it is our responsibility to properly care for the bodies that have been entrusted to us.  In order for us to fulfill this task, it is necessary for us to get proper rest, have a healthy diet and maintain a regular exercise regimen.