Sunday, May 29, 2022


“Biblical Knowledge”


John 8:31-32

31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

When people leave other religions for Christianity, it’s because they have discovered the truth.

When they leave Christianity for another religion, it’s because they never KNEW the truth.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


“Biblical Knowledge”

Accountability for the Knowledge of God

2 Kings 22 and 23

There are many things that are done by society that conflict with what God expects from His people.  Since we are unaware of the origin of many things, we are not always aware of things that may insult or offend God.  We have incorporated many things in our worship of God and we have done so out of ignorance.  As Hosea 4:6 informs us, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.  The “lack of knowledge” that Hosea is referring to is rejected knowledge, not ignorance.  The question may arise, “where do we draw the line in what we alter in our lives that may be an offense to God?”  When we become aware or knowledgeable that our way is in conflict with God’s way, we need to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that we are lining up with God’s way.  In 2 Kings 22:11  King Josiah discovered that Judah was in opposition to God’s laws and his actions after that signaled that he was repentant for the actions of the citizens and the actions of his predecessors that were against God.  In verses 22 and 23 he sent men to inquire of God concerning their sins.  In chapter 23 Josiah made a covenant with God to obey His commands.  Then he removed and destroyed every image in God’s house that was an idol to another god.  He removed all of the idolatrous priests who had taken up residence in the house of the Lord.  Josiah destroyed every altar to a false god.  He removed the male and female prostitutes from within the house of the Lord.  Everything that could be burned was burned.  Everything that could be ground into powder was ground.  He completely destroyed everything that was an offense to God.  As a result of Josiah humbling himself and repenting when he discovered that he was in error, God promised not to punish him but He would punish Judah for their many offenses and rejection of God. 

God has provided us with the Holy Bible to teach us what He approves of and disapproves of.  He has also gifted us with men who are qualified to expound on His Word in order to gives us better understanding of what God desires of us.  Therefore, God has eliminated every excuse that we could use to justify our actions when it comes to things doing things that He disapproves of.  If we are repentant for our offenses against God when we become aware of them, God is faithful and just to forgive us of all of our sins.        

Sunday, May 15, 2022

 “Stewardship of Health”

Spiritual Health

Our flesh and our spirit are in constant warfare with one another.  The success of both is determined by what we feed our spirit.  If we allow negativity from the things we view, what we listen to, and the people we associate with on a regular basis to constantly enter our spirit, our spirit will become weaker and weaker.  When we allow sound and wholesome things to enter our spirit from the things we view, what we listen to, and the people we surround ourselves with on a regular basis, our spirit will stand up and dictate our words, actions, and thoughts.  Our spirit is affected by what enters it regularly; just as our bodies are affected by the food that enters it on a regular basis.  Eating a healthy meal ONCE a week will not cancel out the effects of eating unhealthy meals 6 days a week.  Neither will a healthy spiritual meal once a week cancel out the negative effects of an unhealthy spiritual diet 6 days a week.  An unhealthy spiritual diet will breed the “can’t help its.”  Fasting, prayer and the study of the Word of God will help strengthen our spirit.

We need to be vigilant in protecting ourselves from the negative indoctrination of others.  The internet is full of images and ideas that can create a range of emotions in people.   Viewing visual mediums such as cell phones and computers on a consistent basis can have a damaging effect on us.  We can lose our ability to think critically and to reason rationally.   This change may not always be noticeable to us, but others may observe it in us. In like manner, as our thinking can be negatively impacted by what we view, our spirits become weaker in the battle for dominance over our flesh.   One of the most difficult things for people to do is to resist the urge to use their cell phone or computer for an extended period of time.  This is an indication of how much of a hold these items have on us as a society. 

Another threat to the strength of our spirit is having close associations with individuals whose thinking conflicts with the teachings of the Bible.  Paul warns us in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “Bad company corrupts good morals.”  It is essential that we reserve our close connections for those who are like minded toward Christ.  While we should to maintain a good reputation with everyone, it is important that we do not place ourselves in a position to mimic the wrong actions of others.  Ephesians 5:11 says, “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.”

In closing, the Bible gives us assurance by acknowledging that the Holy Spirit has been given to us in order to aid us in our walk with Christ.  We must exercise caution in who we allow ourselves to be surrounded by.  There is plenty of content online that do not benefit our lives in Christ.  It is important that we identify it and avoid it. 

Philippians 4:8

 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

Sunday, May 1, 2022

 “Stewardship of Health”

Mental Health

As good stewards over the bodies that God has given us, maintaining mental stability should be a key focus.   One valuable lesson that we learn from 2 Timothy 1:7 is, that God did not give us a spirit of fear but He has given us power, love and the ability to think soundly.  Having a sound mind allows us to be effective in every area of our lives. 

In order to function properly, it is essential for us to ensure that part of our schedule includes us getting rest.  When we do not receive sufficient rest, our view of the world can become extremely distorted.  Sleep deprivation has a major impact on how we function mentally.  Many mood disorders, such as irritability, are also directly related to a lack of sleep. 

Lack of sleep may have a deleterious effect on our brains as well.  Our brain is a self-repairing organ and while we are asleep, old cells and dead cells are discarded and new cells are formed.  When we fail to get sufficient rest, the new cells can form on top of the dead cells, leading to the development of brain tumors.  Symptoms of these tumors can range from developing severe headaches to having difficulty walking.

The mind is a battleground and Satan is always engaged in battle with us to conquer this territory because creating a stronghold in our minds allows him to have success in wreaking havoc in our lives.  In 1 Kings 19, Elijah was on the run from Jezebel after she threatens his life.  His fear caused him to flee into the wilderness for a full day.  After stopping to rest from exhaustion, Elijah prayed for God to allow him to die because he had come to the end of his road.  When fear is combined with fatigue, even the bravest warrior can become faint of heart.  Elijah fell asleep under a tree and an angel woke him up and told him to eat the meal that had been prepared for him.  Once he had eaten, Elijah fell asleep again.  The angel returned with a second meal and once more instructed Elijah to eat. 

Elijah’s need for rest and proper nourishment caused him to have a distorted perspective of the current events.  The reason Jezebel had threatened his life is because Elijah had just killed all of her Baal worshiping prophets.  Having a proper perspective of the situation would have resulted in Elijah standing his ground.  He would have realized that the same God that made him victorious against Jezebel’s prophets would have made him victorious against her. 

It is important that we develop a proper balance rest and other activities.  God allows us sufficient time to rest, in addition to other activities.  Allowing our minds to have time to rest and reboot gives us more of an opportunity to function with a sound mind.