Sunday, August 14, 2022


“Biblical Approach to Life”


Lettuce takes about 30 days to grow.  Some varieties of potatoes can take between 90 and 150 days to cultivate.  What is the delay with the potatoes?  What takes them so long to produce?  Nothing.  There is no delay and they do not take a long time to grow.  They grow in the amount of time that it takes potatoes to grow.  Many times we believe that there is a delay in the answer to our prayers or we believe that God is delaying our blessing.  God has a time when He desires to do something.  Unless we know God’s timing, we cannot determine that our blessing is delayed or that the answers to our prayers are delayed.  We will get what God wants us to have WHEN He wants us to have it.

In Genesis 40, while Joseph is imprisoned in Pharaoh’s prison, God provides Joseph with the opportunity to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh’s chief cup bearer and his baker.  After interpreting the dream of Pharaoh’s chief cup bearer, Joseph requested that the cup bearer petition Pharaoh to have Joseph released from prison.  However, after being released from prison, the cup bearer forgot about Joseph. 

In Genesis 41, Pharaoh has a dream that no one can interpret and the cup bearer finally remembers that Joseph has the authentic ability to interpret dreams.  So he mentions Joseph to Pharaoh and Pharaoh has Joseph brought to him to interpret his dream.  After giving Pharaoh the correct interpretation of his dream, Joseph’s life changed instantly.  He never returned to his cell and he is placed in a position that requires him to answer only to Pharaoh.

On the surface, it may appear that there was a delay in Joseph obtaining his freedom from prison.  However, there wasn’t any delay at all.  God is the One who gave Pharaoh a dream that required a divine interpretation.  This brought about the need for the only person in Egypt who had been given the divine ability to interpret dreams.  Joseph was released from prison when God determined that he should be released.  If Joseph had been freed 2 years prior, he would have been like fruit or vegetables that are harvested before they are ripe:  good for nothing.  There would not have been any purpose for Joseph to fulfill for Pharaoh.  God determined when the time was ripe and Joseph became beneficial to the Egyptians, his father and his brothers, the Israelites who would come from the lineage of his brothers, and the rest of the world that would have access to salvation because of Christ who came from the Israelites through the lineage of Judah.   

Galatians 4:4-5

  But when the fullness of the time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons and daughters.