Sunday, September 25, 2022



Grace With Others

While we are never to compromise the Gospel of Jesus, or our stand with Christ, we should extend grace to those who have not yet reached the position that we have attained in the growth process known as spiritual maturity. 

Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark travelled together preaching the Gospel.  At one point during the journey, when the going got tough, Mark got going and deserted Paul and Barnabas to return home.  When Paul decided to revisit the cities they had previously preached in, Barnabas suggested that they take John Mark along with them.  Paul was opposed to this idea and after arguing with Barnabas about it, the two of them eventually went their separate ways because they could not agree on this matter.  One thing that Paul had not taken into account was that when HE was a new convert, Barnabas was the one who endorsed him when others did not believe in the authenticity of his conversion.  However, as Paul matured, he recognized the maturity that Mark had developed as a result of being properly mentored by Barnabas.  In his later years, Paul began to once again, travel with Mark in ministry because he recognized Mark’s usefulness. 

When we first give our lives to Christ, none of us are the person we will become by the end of the journey.  Each of us will need to receive grace and EACH of us will need to extend grace.

Romans 15:1

Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not just please ourselves. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022


“The Gospel”

Gospel of Christ

There have been times when Christians have inquired, “How do we reach people?”  The answer is, preaching the Gospel of Christ is only way that we can effectively reach anyone for Christ.  God is removed from the process of Salvation and it dishonors Him when we seek avenues other than what He established in order to win people to Christ.  In order to justify using other creative strategies to inform people about Jesus, some have asserted that people are not receptive to the Gospel anymore.  However, when we review history, we notice that the Gospel has always made people uncomfortable because it is offensive.  The Spirit of God is what draws people as He sets the stage for the Gospel to be preached.

Here are a few examples of times when the Holy Spirit provided the opportunity to distribute the Gospel: 

In Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit filled the Disciples of Jesus and gave them the ability to speak in languages that they had not previously learned.  Jews who were staying in Jerusalem gathered around to find out what the noise that they heard was.  During this time, they heard the Gospel preached to them in their native tongues.  When Peter preached the Gospel of Christ to them, they were convicted of their sins and chose to repent.  This produced a conversion of almost three thousand people. 

In Acts chapter 3, the Holy Spirit empowered Peter and John to heal a lame man. This event caused people to take notice and gather around to witness the amazing sight.  As a result of the Holy Spirit drawing a massive crowd, Peter and John were given the opportunity to administer the Gospel and five thousand people were converted.

In Acts 8, an angel gave Philip specific instructions to go to a designated road.  When he arrived in the place that he had been directed, Philip saw an Ethiopian man riding in his chariot.  After catching up to the chariot, Philip heard the man reading Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the crucifixion of Jesus.  Philip taught him about Jesus and what He had done for a world full of sinners and hearing the Gospel caused the Ethiopian to accept Jesus.

God will take care of making the arrangements for people to hear the Gospel.  It is never by chance that a person receives Christ.  He does not want a mass of people to be to be indoctrinated with a watered down Gospel and He will not allow the crucifixion of Christ to be depreciated.  The Gospel is the power of God that leads to Salvation.  When we use anything other than the Gospel to introduce Salvation to people, one of two things will occur:  (1) either they will not be converted, or (2) they will be impacted by something that is too weak to sustain them and it will not last.  We do not have to worry about REACHING people; we just need to be prepared to witness the Gospel to them when the opportunity becomes available.

Romans 1:16

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Sunday, September 11, 2022



Good Leaders

It takes a strong person to be a good leader.  A good leader has the strength to ruffle feathers when it’s necessary because a good leader is not driven to please people.  They have the courage to say what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear. 

We have numerous leaders within the Church, but everyone is not qualified to be a leader.  Good character and wisdom are qualities of good leaders.  Leaders who displays partiality or lack the backbone to correct people that are in error, are unqualified and disqualified from leading.       

Ezekiel 3:8-9

8 “Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads.”

9 “Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.”

Sunday, September 4, 2022


“End Times”

Proper Alignment

2 Timothy 3:13

But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Those who align themselves with godless individuals have rejected Christ.  We are not in allegiance with people; we are in allegiance with Jesus.  When people are in allegiance with Jesus, by default, we are in allegiance with them.  But whenever they turn from following Jesus; we are no longer in allegiance with them.     

James 2:19

You believe that there is one God.  You do well.  Even the demons believe – and tremble!