Sunday, July 9, 2023


“Hypnotic Influence”

Devices of Influence

The brain is a very intricate part of the body but it is also very fragile.  It has the ability to process data at incredible speeds.  However, it is vulnerable to outside manipulation.  Television, computers, and smartphones are mediums that allow us to view digital images and videos that have a hypnotic effect on our brains.

When we watch television, the images that we view are not solid images.  They are really images that are flashing or refreshing too rapidly for our eyes to detect.  But our brain is affected by what our eyes see.  As we view these images, the left hemisphere of our brain which is our cognitive and analytical side becomes more dormant.  Our left brain is the side that processes information and determines which information to allow in and which information to disregard.  The right side of our brain is more emotional and non-critical.  According to research conducted by Dr. Herbert Krugman, former president of the American Psychological Association, as we watch television, the left hemisphere of our brain decreases in operation and the right hemisphere of our brain doubles its activity rate.  This is considered an extreme neurological anomaly. 

Psycho physiologist Thomas Mulholland has shown thru research that after 30 seconds of watching television, your brain will go into an almost comatose state.  The neo-cortex, which is the midbrain, controls sensory perception, motor commands, spatial reasoning, conscious thought and language.  This part of the brain is shut down and brain activity is transferred to the limbic system, which is our lower brain.  This part of the brain controls emotion, behavior, motivation, long term memory, and olfaction.  Television causes our cognitive thinking to dissipate and allows our emotional thinking to take control.  Longitudinal studies have shown that extended use of our lower brain leads to higher brain atrophy.  Our brain can absorb 1800 pictures a minute and 40,000 pictures while watching a 30 minute program. 

Subliminal messages are messages that are hidden within video files or desktop backgrounds that have the purpose of programming people’s minds.  These messages have the ability to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious.

Many times, we are witnesses of crass behavior exhibited by others.  While we may be baffled by the behavior, in many cases, what we are experiencing is a demonstration of what occurs when the left side of your brain or your cognitive side has been disengaged for an extended period of time.  When we do not exercise caution or restraint with the information we allow into our spirits, we open ourselves up to concepts and ideologies that go against the mindset that the Bible teaches us to have.  

In one experiment, 182 West Germans agreed to avoid television for a year with the promise of receiving payment for successfully doing so.  None of them lasted longer than six months.  Each of them exhibited increased anxiety, frustration and depression.  These are the same symptoms of heroin withdrawal.  

Even though certain devices may appear to be innocent or harmless, they can have a deleterious effect on us.  As born again believers in Christ, we have a responsibility to display a changed and different lifestyle than unrepentant individuals.  However, some of our favorite entertainments may interfere with our ability to do so.

Romans 12:2

2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.